Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Soft Sculpture

I have recently enjoyed 2 1-day classes with Dorothy Addlem making a soft sculpture koala and owl. Of course I couldn't just stop at one koala but made several. very relaxing and enjoyable. They are made from a stuffed knitted strip and sculpted in to shape before covering with long and short stitch. Dorothy is famous in the Embroiderers Guild for her wonderful sculpted rabbits, she has made whole families of them.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

A belated Happy New Year to everyone. I've had a full house since just before Xmas and now an extra addition of a new grandson Sam, a brother for 4yr old Sienna. I have had the pleasure of looking after Sienna for a few days so quite exhausted. She loves 'craft' so we've had lots of fun exploring cutting, beads, drawing etc as well as lots of 'hide and seek' tag, and storytelling. They live on the other side of Australia in a place called Paraburdoo in Western Australia so we don't see them that often. It has been wonderful.
I have been having a play with resin for the past few months and finally produced something I'm really pleased with. Finishing off is the hard part but I'm getting the knack of adding the base and covering up any sanding marks. Here are some of my latest attempts. I used sequins, glitter and fantasy film for the dichroic effect. For the earlier cabs I used Perfect Pearls and embossing powder to colour the resin but for these latest ones, I used acrylic paint for the base colour which I think worked really well.