Wednesday, 20 November 2013

BJP November

Another of my favourite flowers is the Billy Button (Craspedia Globosa), we have lots of them growing outside my window at work. (I work in a portable at the back of the main buildings) These bright yellow balls bobble about in the breeze and can be mesmerizing (back to work Marj!). They are native to Australia and New Zealand. They can be hard to get hold of as seed as I haven't found any to plant in my garden. I think I will have see if I can take a cutting.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

BJP September/October

The last of the state flowers is the Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus glololus Labill which of course, is the state flower of Tasmania. The flowers appear singly on the leaves. October's flower is one of my favourites, Geraldton Wax, a leggy bush/small tree which is a native of Western Australia but grows throughout Australia. I have always had them in my garden in Victoria. They come in several shades of fuschia, pinks and all white.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Felted beagle

Hi again, have just completed this beagle which I'm quite please with although it could be better. I followed a tutorial by Elena Lliv. She gave an excellent tutorial in pictures so it didn't matter that I can't speak Russian. I tried to register to thank her but I could not work our the security code so eventually gave up. I really appreciate every opportunity to improve the needlefelting. We had a public holiday on Wednesday so was able to get stuck in. My husband says she looks like a 'Sally' so that is what she has been name. Now I really must get on and get back to my beading.