Saturday, 9 November 2013

BJP September/October

The last of the state flowers is the Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus glololus Labill which of course, is the state flower of Tasmania. The flowers appear singly on the leaves. October's flower is one of my favourites, Geraldton Wax, a leggy bush/small tree which is a native of Western Australia but grows throughout Australia. I have always had them in my garden in Victoria. They come in several shades of fuschia, pinks and all white.


  1. I love your flower beadworks! An exta is the view into the flower world of your country. Interesting and beautiful!!!

  2. These are once again lovely. Also love your needle felt work. I made my first 3d needle felt robin last week. Do you use a pipe cleaner or anything inside or is it just fibre?

  3. Beautiful pieces, both of them!

  4. Beautiful beadwork and telling about them in relation to your country makes them even more interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  5. So so so pretty! I have learned a bit about your native flowers too in following your work this year :-)
