Thursday, 19 December 2013

December BJP 2013

No 12. I've had such fun creating these ATC sized beaded flowers. I hope to mount them on to a board. Just have to think about the background. This month I have chosen a Pansy using Delica beads. I can't remember what this type of beading is called but I drew the pansy and then beaded in circles over it. I wasn't happy with the couching so went back to beaded back stitch.


  1. Marj, you had great pieces for BJP this year. In spite of the limited space every flower is very detailed and livelike. You mention their names and you stimulate me to look in wikipedia to know more about them! You can be proud of the result this year. Do you join BJP2014 on facebook? It is a pity there are so few followers. I am glad I am one of them.

    1. Thanks Lies, I have really enjoyed taking part. I will be joining BJP2014 on facebook although I'm a bit daunted after seeing so many fantastic creations. I'm going to take up felting and hope to bead some felted pieces although it is rather hard on the hands, I love the combination. Thank you for following my blog

  2. I have never seen this kind of circle beading before and it looks fantastic. Shall be looking out for your 2014 project on facebook.

  3. That's a lovely pansy, Marj. Maybe you can show us a photo later of all your 2013 pieces mounted together. Such a panel should look very decorative.
    As to the beading in circles, I'd like to point out the book "500 Beaded Objects", published by Lark Books in 2004. On pages 196 and 197, some pieces by Amy C. Clarke are shown in exactly that technique, which she describes as "bead embroidery (backstitch)". They are worth looking at. There are also some pieces by Robin Atkins in that book, and, best of all, the title shows a closeup of a section of her fabulous bead sculpture "Rosie the Uncaged Hen".

  4. This works very, very well in the circular pattern of beads. I'm surprised that you could manage the Delicas so well. It's really beautiful! I agree with Sabine that it would be nice to see a picture of all of them together. I see Sabine's comment about Amy C. Clarke's technique. She uses size 15 round beads and often makes several over-lapping circles. I think she has a webpage too, with pictures, if you haven't seen her work.
